Marika Spirited
5 min readOct 1, 2024

Why Quitting Alcohol is Harder Than You Think—and Why It’s Worth Thinking About Early

Alcohol, whether it’s a glass of wine with dinner or a few beers with friends, can start off feeling like a small part of life. But for many people, what begins as occasional drinking can slowly become a habit—and before they know it, it’s become something much harder to break free from.

Let’s face it: quitting alcohol, once it’s woven into your routine, is tough. Not just because of the social side of things, but because of how deeply it affects the brain and body. The way alcohol works is sneaky; it gives you that dopamine boost (you know, that feel-good chemical) which makes you feel relaxed or happy in the moment. But over time, your brain starts to crave that boost, and it can make quitting feel like an uphill battle.

David Hawkins, psychiatrist which studied human consciousness, talks about how substances like alcohol can pull you down to lower states of being. It numbs emotions and traps people in a cycle where it’s harder to feel real joy or purpose.

You might not notice it at first, but eventually, the habit of drinking becomes a barrier between you and the kind of life you truly want to live.

Another explorer is neuroscientist Andrew Huberman where he has talked about how alcohol changes the brain’s reward systems, making it harder to enjoy life without it.

Essentially, the more you drink, the more your brain rewires itself to expect alcohol as part of its routine.

That’s one reason why breaking free can be so difficult—it’s not just about willpower, but actually changing the way your brain works.

Scary, right?

But it’s also empowering to know that with time and effort, you can rewire it back.

In one of his podcasts Huberman compared how his friends who’s DNA had predisposition to addiction would have a first sip of vine and they were hucked.

While he, without family history, could have alcohol or not. It made no difference to him.

Unfair or not, it makes a huge difference, trust me…

Rick Rubin, the legendary music producer, has also shared insights on how alcohol can stifle creativity and potential.

He stresses how important it is to be mindful of what you put into your body because even if alcohol seems harmless, it can dull your senses and block you from being the best version of yourself.

He’s big on the idea that true creativity comes from clarity and presence—two things alcohol tends to mess with over time.

Cos eventually there isn’t enough dopamine.

This brings us to one really important message, especially for younger people: be careful of the habits you create.

While a drink here and there might seem like no big deal, these habits can easily snowball. And once alcohol becomes a part of your routine, it can be incredibly hard to shake.

Many people spend years trying to quit, and unfortunately, many don’t succeed because of how deeply ingrained it becomes in their system.

After many attempts to quit, they often stop trying and just hope for the best..

So, what’s the takeaway here? The decisions you make early in life about this LEGAL DRUG can have a long-term impact. And while it might seem like everyone drinks or it’s just a “normal” part of socializing, the truth is, alcohol can quietly take over and lead to some really unhealthy patterns and consequences.

Not only does it affect your physical health, but it can also mess with your mental and emotional wellbeing—making it harder to experience life fully, and authentically.

Forget about goals setting!

The good news is that by staying aware and mindful of your choices, you can avoid the pitfalls that so many people fall into. If you do decide to drink, understanding the risks and being intentional about how often and why you do it can make all the difference.

In other words, choose to create HEALTHY HABITS instead.

Cos not to fit in may be just what makes you the ‘right one’ for someone or for promotion.

…While I remember once telling my boss, that this is the worst job I have ever had! That’s right with a glass of champagne in my hand!…

You never know how it will go, but what I learnt by now is that people’s often the worst decisions and behaviours happened under the effects of alcohol.

If you feel a bit inspired, here is little meditation and reprogramming for liberation.

Decide and intend to be free of those “layers” that buried your true self.

Let’s focus on fully grounding that decision.

Loudly with a power voice, even better!

(Maybe not at work though ha!)

Visualize standing in your power, fully aligned with your truth that you are done with alcohol.

See that decision as a solid, unshakable pillar inside you, radiating out through your entire system.

Feel the energy of that decision move through every part of your body—your mind, your heart, your cells. Every part of you is fully aligned with this choice, and it feels natural, easy, and empowering.

You can now visualize any remaining connections to alcohol dissolving, as if they no longer exist in your reality. They simply fall away, leaving you free and clear.

Declare, aloud or within yourself: I have made the decision to be done with alcohol.

This choice is rooted in my highest self, and I am fully aligned with it across all levels of my being.
Through forty minds, subconscious, soul and action.

Through zero point and whole eternity I claim

I’m free of alcohol!”

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