Marika Spirited
5 min readOct 22, 2020

Why are MEN more suicidal than women?

The World Health organisation reports that at the moment there is 800 000 death to suicide per year. One human takes his/her own life every 40 seconds.

Where Our World in Data organisation states that globally the rate for men is twice as high as for women, wherein many countries is ratio even higher.

Samaritans claim that rates in under 25s in England had increased by 93% since 2012, to it’s the highest level in 2019.

What is really going on?

Suicide creates sadness to all of us. Not just to the one who decides to take his/her life or their loved ones.

It is sad for us all, together, we are humanity and we at some level feel a failure. Regardless of if we know each other, most of us have inherently feelings for another human beeing.

But should we have a say in decisions about somebody’s life or death?

People are divided by views about suicide. Countries have different laws about allowing “suicide” at hospitals too.

What is your belief? Do we have a moral right to kill self?

To be honest I am undecided. On one side I believe we have rights to do as we choose so. Then on the other side there is moral responsibility, spiritual consequences, obligation to my life and loved ones. Of course there is that thing about “giving up”!

That is why I’m curious about what makes us want to die?

And why are men more at risk?

41% of men who attempted suicide shared that they didn’t feel that they could show and talk about their feelings.

we all need a soft touch..

Male emotions are not often exposed. Those cultural and historical traditions are strongly rooted for sure, more in some countries than in others. Families. Workplaces. Social networks. The limitations and what’s accepted is different from person to person, from place to place.

Does “staying in old ways” results in gain or loose? Seems to me that price for stagnation is day by day higher.

Once I heard a man saying:” My family would rather see me die than to see me cry.”

Is it true or is it our assumption?

And even if it is true, should one please others or fight for authentic living? Is there anything more devastating than loos of SELF?

It’s ‘hell yes’ or its ‘hell no’. There isn’t a road between.

I often hear:” I never said this to anybody.” So I know people are scared of being exposed. Exposed to aknowledgement of their truth or weaknes and mistakes. Being emotionally vulnerable is scary.

We learnt to run really fast from our own truth, didn’t we?

But we all know the saying:” You can run, but you can’t hide.”

So when we finally get tired, ill or depressed enough, we decide to stop running, we can write our truth and worries down. After every sentence asking:” Is that true?” and “So what?!” or “What’s the worse scenario?”

After while of facing our fears they actually start to look hilarious! Don’t take my word for it, try it instead.

Then, later on the question will be:” am I strong enough in my truth to share it?” and:” what’s next step”?

If you feel bodily tension and growing anxiety with just imagining that you are sharing your feelings. Then don’t. It is wise to practice more, in your head and with somebody really loving, even just with random online friends on Facebook.

Be wise with your choices. Then in time, you WILL grow stronger and stronger. In a no time you will do live video telling another men how you once read my article… haha!

Focus on a few good things you have in life, activities that give you a bit of spark.

Don’t fall too low. If you see you are feeling worse get moving; go to nature for a walk, call somebody nice, breath and remind yourself that emotions need 19 seconds to change.

A friend just texted me that men give up on life more often than women because they are more prone to the ego.

Inherited fears of failure maybe? Imagine talking to your ancestors (or part of you) and explain to them that you live in the 21stcentury and that failure is our new hobby! Its step to success and without learning to fail we would achieve nothing.

I mastered my failing, now I get up in a no time. Which took some practice. Understand plenty practice, haha!

As a women we have inherited caring to the level of sacrificing. So when I planned my own suicide as 16 years old I logically went to say goodbye to my best friend and she explained to me that I’m not going anywhere without her. My caring part and plenty of vodka took over the decision. Which doesn’t mean that dispear evaporated, I had to search for the deep meaning of life, because I didn’t see any.

Scientifically proved fact is that women are focused on people and relationships while men, in general, are more focused on the material things. So my feeling is that women may feel low as men, but we just really think of pain we would cost.

Spiritual and relegious people, in general, commit fewer suicides because they remember KARMA or are scared of God’s punishment. This is what stoped Rodrigo from committing suicide.

If you believe in the incarnation, energetically and emotionally we will start in next life where our soul left in this life. Pain=Pain.

A priest, friend of mine once shared that in his experience, a man had never power or interest to bring a woman into the church, that it is always a woman who can sparkle spirituality in a relationship.

He even said that sometimes it seems that man lives spiritualty through his woman. Which would suggest that women, in general, have more faith and that gives them strength through hard times.

I’m not religious, however, I am seer, now I know my truth. So I connect with like spirited people, which can create really deep and lasting relationships based on similar values. This is incredibly powerful support system. Sadly when I attend spiritual retreats and workshops there is 97% of women compared to 3% of men searching for the meaning of life or safe place to self express.

Maybe there is far too much search for adrenaline and experience in men, instead of meaning? Need to impress? What does man need to accept in himself in order to stop compete?

I mean no disrespect in my asking. We are all enough, we just need to search within selves.

The choice isn’t in the verbal decision, the real deep activation is in a connecting to the source of life within.

The world is full of nice people who want to help.

… because we are never really alone, are we?

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