To be an automatic healer and overly empathetic can be devastating for one.
How to change it and be intentional?
Let’s talk directly to those parts of you—your inner child and any shadow aspects—that have been unconsciously engaging in empathy and healing in ways that are no longer healthy for you. The goal is to lovingly release these tendencies and allow these parts to upgrade and mature so that your energy is used with intention and in alignment with your highest self.
Releasing Unconscious Empathy and Healing – Inner Dialogue and Upgrade:
1. Find a Quiet Space: Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. As you exhale, let go of any tension. Allow your mind to focus on the intention of releasing old empathic patterns that no longer serve you.
2. Connect to Your Inner Child: Visualize your inner child—the younger part of you that learned to feel others’ pain, to help or heal in order to fit in or feel valuable. See this part of you standing in front of you. Approach them with compassion and curiosity.
3. Speak to Your Inner Child: Say to your inner child:
“I see you. I know you’ve felt the need to take on others’ pain, to help them because you thought that’s what made you valuable. But you no longer need to do that. Your value comes from being your true self, not from healing others.”
“It’s time for you to let go of this need to fit in by feeling others' problems. You are already whole and powerful. You do not need to heal anyone to be loved or accepted.”
4. Offer Healing Light: Surround your inner child with the healing light you received from your recent upgrades. Allow this light to fill your inner child, releasing any need to take on others’ issues. Feel the light dissolve any emotional ties to these old patterns. Let your inner child know:
“You are safe, loved, and whole as you are. You no longer need to carry others’ burdens.”
5. Speak to Your Shadow Aspect: Now visualize the shadow aspect—the part of you that might unconsciously invite others into your energy field because it feels a temptation to heal or a need to serve others, even at the cost of your own energy. This part might appear as a darker or hidden version of yourself.
6. Acknowledge the Shadow: Say to this shadow part:
“I understand that you have taken on the role of helping others, even when it drains me. You’ve done this to feel powerful, to feel like you are doing good, but it’s no longer necessary.”
“I release you from the need to serve or heal unintentionally. You are free to mature and transform into a source of intentional, balanced healing. I give you permission to let go of all attachments to unhealthy empathy.”
7. Send Light to the Shadow: Just like with your inner child, surround your shadow aspect with healing light. Let this light upgrade and mature the shadow. Feel the temptation to heal unintentionally dissolve. Your shadow is now transformed into a more intentional, conscious part of yourself that understands healthy boundaries.
8. Affirm Your New Power: Say to both your inner child and shadow:
“I am a healer, but I choose when and how to use my healing energy.”
“I no longer invite others’ pain into my field. I heal from a place of strength, not obligation.”
“I release all unconscious empathic patterns and stand fully in my power.”
9. Feel the Integration: Spend a moment visualizing your inner child and shadow upgrading and integrating into your system. They are no longer driven by the need to heal or take on others’ problems. Instead, they understand healthy empathy and use it with awareness and boundaries.
10. Close with Gratitude: Thank these parts of yourself for their role in your life, and for now evolving into more mature and empowered aspects of your being.
When you’re ready, take a few deep breaths and gently open your eyes, bringing yourself back to the present moment.
How did that feel for you? Do you sense a shift or release in how those parts of you relate to empathy and healing?
Intent how you choose to exist.
You can record this process and listen on repeat as needed.