Pure HEART, the Power Behind Answered Prayer.
What else counts? Intention. Focus. State of being. Where your prayer comes from, head or heart?
Mental, energy has different effects compared to the energy of the heart (thinking versus feeling). Science shows that the heart is energetically much more powerful than the brain. The pure unclattered heart is the ‘loudest’!
Feelings create our experience.
My dear mother goes to the church ‘only’ twice per week, because there are not more masses happening.
As a good daughter, I remind her that she has to ‘touch’ her heart and send love to God if she wants to be heard loud and clear.
How do I know? Well, I have a few educational experiences.
One happened in about thirteen years back. There was this elderly gentleman in his late 70’s living in my area, where sometimes I noticed him around but we never say ‘hi’, we never spoke.
One morning I was on my way to work and suddenly I heard in my head: ”Pray for him.”
I am not religious, tho I am a believer because of my experiences (close death experience for example).
I didn’t think much of what I heard or why, and I just said: “Give him what he needs.”
Later that day I saw him again and there was light dropping on him, just like a soft shower. Again, I didn’t think much of it and went on with my day.
A few days later I saw him and he shouts at me: “Wait, I need to tell you something!” So I did.
He said:” Guess how many medications I take per day?!”
My first thought was: “ this is some common conversation in his age… Don’t have a clue, I said instead.”
To which he continued: “17! I went to see my doctor, I had some tests done and guess how many medications I take today?”
Getting uneasy I answered that I don’t know.
“The doctor couldn’t believe my improvements and ordered me to take three only!”
And he left.
I tried to think back to figure out what worked? Something worth to practice, I thought.
So what emotions I felt? Innocence. Ease. Pure intention.
Week ago I had a client calling asking me if I can see if her son killed himself. He stopped speaking to her a long time ago and she couldn’t find any information about him. We spoke about the impact of energetical nagging, we prayed for him, send him good easy and trusting thoughts and let go.
Later she reported that he called her following day.
Amazing, I thought.
And now a different type of story.
Once, I was having a super hard time, simply because I followed intuition and left the homeland, went to Scotland without speaking much of English, simply because I felt “calling”.
To make it even more challenging I didn’t go to London where I had friends, I went to the small Isle of Isle.
It was super hard and just when I felt I could go bananas I called upon God, but to my surprise what came out was DEPTH and bold respectful demand, instead of begging!
I heard myself saying: “you got me here, now I need you to get me out!”
To my great surprise, I suddenly felt a massive release as if I was washed over by trust and warmth all over my heart.
Then I got the vibrational sense (about this another time) meaning that I didn’t learn something yet. So I asked what it was and there he was gone again.
Does he disappears or we freak out and change the state (emotional, rational, Deja vú, receiving, emitting, calm, uneasy)?
However, in a week everything was sorted and I remember this super hard two month only with loving feelings.
As if I could see my soul smiling.
Is it possible that if we follow calling we can face our biggest challenges, yet underlying state (deeper picture) is warm and fluffy happiness?!
Yet if we follow just “standard” our good buzz is closed for business?
Since then whenever I feel stacked in the old pattern I ask: “what it is I’m not seeing? What do I need to change to upgrade? I ask to bless this and that.”
The more I do so, the more naturally it feels.
And then he showed up in the kitchen talking to me while I was cooking, I nearly got myself a nice heart attack.
Wouldn’t you?
Jana Palcek
Energy Psychologist & Consciousness Surfer. The one who knows that we can see the future, so we can change it.