Marika Spirited
4 min readMar 1, 2021


I used to have nights full of dreaming, which was vivid, active and exhausting. Many people I hear recommend tips for how to remember dreams for therapeutic purposes.

I recommend the opposite, aiming to get deep sleep.

One of the reasons is that most people can’t interpret symbolism from dreams anyway.

To me, remember dreams was far too much info and action experiencing in sleep time. Used to wake up exhausted with zero clarity in mind because I was tired, which in long run caused me real physical and mental exhaustion. Felt as if I’m sleep-walking half of the time.

So I programmed myself for deep sleep and remembering the message from the dream only if it’s really important and I’m not understanding messages from my psyche during the day.

This completely changed my sleeping patterns. I wake up fresh, vital and clear-minded.

To program your sleeping pattern you can use hypnotherapy, affirmations, regular writing diary will help you to communicate with your psyche, which is a much better way than relying on dreams. Always mark your progress.

I met many people with a similar issue, and after sharing my experience they would often say things like:“ I’m not like you, I can’t change it.“ or “it has some meaning, so I shouldn’t change it.“

Of course, YOU CAN, yet we all have a choice, mine is good night rest.

If we don’t sleep well for a long time our brain doesn’t get sufficient rest and living with brain fog becomes normal, then we become easily stressed, anxious or depressed.

Mental exhaustion and overload may very likely lead to mental illness.

To have said that, occasional lucid dreaming can be very beneficial.

As I mentioned, I remember dreams only if I need to. And it seems like I needed messages two nights in a row. One more unpleasant then another, Ahah.

Yesterday I had whole night lucid dreams filled with tarantulas.

…While seeing bigger spiders disgusts and scares me. To make the dream even weirder, my tarantulas were friendly cuddly resting next to my face and a few next to my back.

In lucid dreams, you can sort of co-create or be an active part of the script, yet you don’t do brainy stuff like you would if you are fully awake.

So I was more trying to figure out why I don’t fear them as I would normally, still I was watching if they aren’t trying to fool me somehow so they can eating me or something haha.

Regardless of my suspicion, there was a near peacefulness presence.

In the morning I googled shamanic explanation of tarantula as a power animal. And to my surprise it was-patience, trust, right timing and DO NOT OPEN DOORS YOU ALREADY CLOSED, somebody simply stayed your enemy, even if you believe in change.

This was perfectly accurate for my late states and I considered calling to somebody from the past.

Last night dreaming was even more unpleasant.

There were snakes in my dreams some lying around and some standing opposite me, staring me into eyes. Those eyes freaked me out.

There was somebody who could control them, even if it seemed that he wanted to teach me. There was a good vibe coming from him.

He said:“ watch your fears and stay with them.“ So I tuned more in the body and felt my fears for a while, then I observed slow releasing.

Suddenly one of the snakes jumped into my space and all I could see was his teeth…

However, because we are in a lucid dreaming state I froze time while the snake released its poison into my auric field…I observed a dark cloud expanding in front of me.

I heard:“ now you will be resilient to its poison (symbol of fear in this situation).“ So I reversed time and its poison went back into its teeth. Yes just like videogame haha.

Then I called for help which immediately appeared because I felt a new presence in space and saw tails of snakes hiding, where the man said:“ watch how by you getting help, immediately changed your states? Did it take your power away? You gave trust in yourself away.“

I could observe slow movie; me going from the state of having enough of learning with sneaks to the state of getting somebody else to stop it, while still aware of my capability to keep my space safe, to a state of limited alertness and lowered consciousness, maybe even laziness.

Again very much in line with me working on deepening feelings of safety & self-trust and self-reliance…

So from time to time, lucid dreaming can be very educational and even healing — certainly, it shouldn’t replace adventure in life..

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