Light language is the language of light.
Light language is a godsend, it is an energetic accelerator of development. Some cry, some analyse, but for me, as an energy seer impact is clear. Anyone can learn it if willing to feel like a fool.
At least in the beginning.
It’s a skill that all successful people possess. The courage to look like an idiot until you become a master.
This is true in absolutely every field. Are you worried about your image? What people may think? What they will say and how they will complicate your life?
This is anticipatory and wise expectation. Yet it doesn’t take you far. I love saying:” If you love me or hate me, makes no difference to me.”
Some people will certainly look at you strangely and do you know especially why? Because you don’t trust yourself, in this area yet. And emotional energy is a magnet-multiplier. You don’t know exactly what you’re doing because you’re learning and looking for your own style. However in any activity, look for your own style.
Don’t force your own style, because you can’t, people feel it’s fake, well real people know. Don’t try be different, be yourself. Become wild and creative in your practice.
I am taking singing classes, I have always had. My mother asks me:” Why do you waste money?!” To which I answer:” My soul begs me for it!” And it’s true, my soul deserves joy, so do I.
But it’s not just any joy, it’s a very deep level which I don’t experience through anything else. Sometimes it makes me feel amazingly “touched”. Impressed by myself. That’s how I love to be.
The sound caries soul, not always, but when it’s right its very healing. When sound comes from the right place it caries frequency that changes energy around, in and out. If you add intention, effect multiplies radically.
Yesterday I watched documentary about Pavarotti and obviously he was an amazing singer, but I din’t get shivers, only at some very few points. To feel touched is why I usually listen music for.
So I thought about how deep joy then, can he feel? He shared that he is always very nervous. His face got this ecstasy expression when he got applause. As he said, his mission was to bring opera to wider public, and so he did. Mission accomplished. His spirit actually came to me as I watched and he felt really weird listening to himself and truly there was vibe of anxiety coming through. I didn’t ask him anything, we just sat and watched.
I had some great teachers as I travelled, but at the moment Karin, is rocking it! She teaches what she really knows well. Real artist, composer and singer with a big soul, capable to teach. Love it?! People like her, on the right place, teach and activate you via consciousness.
Do you remember this one teacher, who you just really got?! Studying was really easy?! That’s my Karin.
So she goes:
“Improvise, open soul, sing to this flower, reach to the sky, arms up, embody that sound, walk and sing, don’t sing like a child even if it sounds angelic, find your mature voice, …..” She makes me jump over the bridge and simply trusts me that eventually I will swim, because she doesn’t let me walk! I evolve fast. I am ready and she has “how”.
Deos it make me feel like an idiot? You bet! Jazz is something without rules and yet must be structured! It’s nuts and yet it’s the best thing, because when I eventually get it right it’s f**g amazing. Even starting exercise are amazing!? Never herd of, yeah!
That’s how you find your style, by getting dirty, wild and lost. So get a good help, otherwise you may never really “sing your best song.”
So, you’re either going to be yourself or you’re going to be nobody.
Sadly, that’s right. The only life worth living is having your own style, because you’re the only one, only you. No one else has this nose shape, the vision, or the aspirations like you. Therefore, you alone create that form of experience for the universe and God.
If you are only imitating others, what use are you to God or the universe?
Why should he bless you or even listen to you? He is interested in the original. And into the original he will pour all possible quality, because it will brighten the world.
Wanna manifest? Add it to the end of your demands. “I want another million, so I can teach others how to get up.”
Is the language of light, then, given to those who fear less than the rest? We all want to be respected, we are all afraid of rude rejection. But for those of us who can bring a piece of heaven to earth it is fulfilling even when the ego screams in fear, the higher part of us still leads us into this kamikaze lifestyle.
And it’s worth it, life of mediocrity isn’t for me, and if you finished reading, probably neither for you.
To reach your peak performance and ecstasy feelings book 1:1 session.