Is your loved one ill?

Marika Spirited
7 min readJan 7, 2024

Someone has just written to me to say that he has a very ill father who is in an artificial sleep and wants to know if I can help him. I know he was expecting my “yes”. Actually, it is a yes, but it is not always the help that the relative expects. Good energy and a pure heart, however, will always help.

I am a mediator, of course I have the qualities to enable higher power connections, and I am proficient in various healing and scientifically based methods, but the actual healing is done by the higher power.

We connect to higher power via heart

I always explain how it works, so that it is clear to everyone that I respect first of all the will of the sick person.

Which is not as many people think.

If a person says they want help, it’s just a rational-thus ego-based request. Telepathically, of course, I hear the truth directly, because it is not the ego/personality that is communicating, but a higher form of being. The body has become ill for an unconscious reason, which means that the subconscious has a life of its own and is what is running the whole thing.

Art of listening.
The art of listening.

Yes 97% of everything in life is guided by the subconscious. Do you determine how many times a minute your heart beats?

I can hear subconscious programs and the whispers of other parts of being. Did you know that each chakra (energy center) has its own setting? The seven centers often have conflicting set-goals and so one lives in chaos instead of harmony and coherence. The goal, in essence, is to clear the programs and unify the GOAL.


What does this mean?

The soul is born into the body with the blocks we have come to process, as well as the joys and talents. The blocks were created in other incarnations (time doesn’t exist in the higher realms, so basically everything happens at once). Let’s say a person was killed in an ambush and so the soul felt a mixture of feelings of fear, shock, anger when leaving. These are exactly the feelings that the person will have in the next life (as if innate), thus this program will attract situations that will cause and magnify those feelings and energies.

If he fails to release or literally “empty” these feelings (I use the most efficient technique psychosomatics) he will experience these feelings prevalently all his life and they will consume his life energy and joy of being.

I had a client who was very afraid of the dark after a fall. She was afraid for over a decade, thus kicking more and more fear into the “bank”. She was so afraid that her husband had to pick her up from work, she never opened the window in the evening, and the house always had to be lit..

After two or three sessions, the fear was fully released and she found peace. So did her husband. Ha.

We work, through the present, past lives, genetics, seven generations, social strata, karma (personal, national, family, gender..). We work with cells, DNA, chakras, meridians, curses, magic, projections and mimicry fellow humans. We work with hologram, visualization, energy matrix and memory bank. We work with angels, masters of light, Christ consciousness, God and the universe.

So as you can see, it’s a complex process. But where there is a will there is a way. And this mission is my journey, so part of the mission. I know what I am doing. I am very good at it, but I am also humble because after all I am a facilitator.

This is where the expression DESTINY, HIGHER WILL AND FREE WILL comes in.

"Really? Angel was surprised, again."

Everything can be stimulated, thanks to free will. Change, however, does not always mean change for the better in the larger context.

But what is unequivocal is that one cannot cure any foreign disease through oneself (empaths beware).

I worked with a client with incipient Alzheimer’s. How do you distinguish that it’s not just an old man’s impaired memory? You perceive a change in personality. The person, literally acting impersonally, nicer as if. What’s going on? The spirit leaves more and more often. The ghost, the beetle, often escapes even healthy people if they’re bored or under pressure.

The women often ask:” Are you listening to me?!” Absent by spirit often? Careful. In now is where all happens.

In illness, of course, this is more pronounced and there is an almost complete disconnect. Mental illness is one of the biggest global concerns nowadays, as we live longer and longer, people are more depressed and therefore less present. But more on that another time.

In the treatment I was given, I came to understand that the illness was largely a disinclination to live. The person in question was physically healthy and had a reasonably good life. I basically “coaxed” the spirit and the boycotting parts to take an interest in life by reminding them of what they loved. Then Christ and his helpers came in a strong presence (they don’t always come in the same strength, it may depend on how the person had been living). Then there was a complete healing within five sessions.

It was explained to the family that the person needed the right stimulation if they wanted the healing to last (I write clients codes that give a strong boost of sustaining higher energies-health).

This is because if one returns to the old pattern of living (even after treatment, no one is quite the same as before) the disease can return.

“Go and sin no more” (don’t go back to your old ways), if I remember correctly.

What more can the family do to support the sick person?

Think from a higher emotion. Thus optimism, hope, joy, cheerfulness, smile..

Great vibes heal and feel great.

Fear, sadness and loss literally pours into the sick person. I’ve seen it everywhere and always. It is important to realize that close people are very entangled energetically, not just connected. Telepathy (see NASA’s research on their official website) EXTREMELY INCREASES THE SUFFERING OF THE SICK PERSON.

The most people have extended family and if a few people are sending the energy of anxiety, grief and fear, these pull the patient further into the illness because they lower the frequency and therefore the whole healing process.

The question given may sound cold, but it needs to be answered honestly and then we need to see if this is the best attitude we can have.


Death, is not an evaporation, it is a transition into another form of existence. I’ve tested the theory, I’ve had a clinical death (more in another blog).

If I love him, shouldn’t it be up to him?

If I love him, am I helping by sending thoughts (only intentions) of what you would like to do together? How would you behave? What would you express more of? What fond things do you remember about him? When have you laughed?

Sending higher emotions, images and ideas through imagination and telepathy is the highest form of help or prayer we can give.

Light will go wherever you send it.

I have a client who is a professional fighter. When he had a big competition recently, two days before the date. I “KNEW” that I was supposed to pray for him, but I didn’t know what was actually the right prayer for him, since he didn’t want to fight anymore.

When we met after the match he admitted that he started texting me ten times asking for prayers. But he didn’t send a single message because he was ashamed. He also said that he felt he had changed since the match.

Energy simply travels, specially if someone is under the influence of medication, then he perceives a lot more. It’s like waking up from a haunting dream, but your consciousness isn’t fully active to clearly know that Fredy isn’t really lying under the bed. Ha, is he?

Helpful question:


Yes, you can also call me for assistance.



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