Marika Spirited
8 min readSep 27, 2024

David R. Hawkins, a psychiatrist, spiritual teacher, and author, developed a comprehensive framework on consciousness in his works, particularly through his Map of Consciousness. His theory emphasizes that consciousness is a universal energy field, and every person, thought, emotion, or entity vibrates at a specific level within this field. Hawkins believed that levels of consciousness are measurable on a scale from 1 to 1,000, with higher levels corresponding to greater states of awareness, love, and spiritual enlightenment.

Key Aspects of David Hawkins‘ Theory on Consciousness:

1. The Map of Consciousness: Hawkins developed a scale where each level represents a different state of being or perception. It ranges from:

Shame (20): Very low energy, associated with feelings of humiliation and guilt.

Fear (100): Lower levels of consciousness where people are preoccupied with survival, competition, or protection.

Courage (200): A pivotal point where a person begins to face life constructively.

Love (500): Deep, unconditional love with an awareness of connectedness to others.

Peace (600): Non-dual awareness, self-realization, and deeper spiritual insights.

Enlightenment (700-1,000): The highest possible human state, characterized by oneness, universal consciousness, and transcendent awareness (as seen in figures like Buddha or Christ).

This scale is logarithmic, meaning the jump from one level to another represents a massive increase in the amount of energy or consciousness associated with it.

2. Consciousness as Energy: Hawkins argued that consciousness is not bound by the brain or physical form, but is an all-encompassing energy field. Human beings are like individual expressions or „nodes“ within this greater field, which allows for interconnection between entities, including people, animals, or even ideas.

3. Connection Between Consciousness Levels:

Resonance and Coherence: People’s consciousness levels can resonate or cohere with one another. For example, if you spend time with people vibrating at a higher consciousness level, their energy can raise your own. Conversely, lower-level interactions (fear, anger) can drag your consciousness down.

Collective Consciousness: Hawkins also spoke about the idea that human beings form a collective consciousness, which means that the total consciousness of a group of people, society, or even humanity as a whole can influence individual levels of consciousness. For instance, historical figures who operated from a high level of consciousness have had transformative effects on humanity by raising the collective vibration.

4. How Entities or People Connect:

Through Energy Fields: Hawkins‘ model suggests that people connect through their energy fields or vibrations. The higher the consciousness level, the more profound and non-egoic the connection becomes. At higher levels like Love, Peace, or Enlightenment, consciousness is more expansive, and one begins to experience a sense of oneness with others.

Intention and Vibration: The intention behind interactions plays a critical role in how entities connect. Consciousness fields at higher levels, like love or compassion, foster deeper and more authentic connections. Lower vibrations (anger, shame) tend to block or distort true connection, causing separateness and dissonance.

Non-locality: Hawkins‘ theory aligns with the idea of non-locality from quantum physics, where consciousness is not limited by space or time. Connections between people or entities can occur without physical proximity because everything is linked by the universal energy field.

Why and How Consciousness Connects Between Entities:

Vibrational Alignment: Consciousness connects between people and entities based on vibrational alignment. When two or more individuals resonate at similar levels (e.g., compassion, understanding), their energy fields naturally sync, fostering deeper communication and understanding. This can also happen unconsciously; you may feel drawn to people at similar consciousness levels, and repelled by those vibrating at much lower levels.

Collective Healing and Growth: According to Hawkins, as individuals raise their level of consciousness, they can uplift others simply by existing at a higher vibration. This is why he believed that even one person reaching a higher level of enlightenment could counterbalance the negative energies of thousands of people at lower levels. This interconnection supports collective evolution and healing.

Intentional Practices: Practices like meditation, prayer, or even positive intention help individuals to connect with higher levels of consciousness, which can also elevate the consciousness of those around them. Hawkins often emphasized the power of intention in raising consciousness.

In summary, Hawkins believed that consciousness is an energy field in which all entities are interconnected, and this connection is facilitated by the vibrational alignment of their respective levels of awareness. The higher the consciousness level, the more unified, expansive, and loving these connections become. At higher levels, individual separateness dissolves into a sense of oneness with the universe or the divine.

This is all very nice, right?! But how do we really grow consciously and therefore protect our consciousness, energy, mood, health & states?

Some tips:

Protecting yourself from negative attachments, especially from people operating at lower levels of consciousness, requires a combination of energetic, emotional, and mental strategies. Here’s a deeper exploration of what you can do to protect yourself effectively:

1. Strengthen Your Energetic Boundaries:

Visualize Protection: One of the most common ways to create a shield is through visualization. Imagine a protective barrier around you, such as a bubble of light, that keeps out lower vibrational energies. You can visualize white, gold, or violet light, which are often associated with higher consciousness and protection.

Intention Setting: Set a clear and strong intention that your energy field is sovereign and protected. This might sound like, „I am fully protected in my own energy, and only love and light can enter my space.“ Repeating this intention regularly helps reinforce the energetic boundary.

Daily Energy Cleansing: Regularly cleansing your energy can prevent attachments from sticking. Practices like smudging with sage, taking salt baths, or using crystals like black tourmaline or amethyst can help clear any lower vibrations you’ve picked up.

2. Develop Emotional Detachment:

Cultivate Neutrality: If someone is trying to attach to you negatively, it’s important to maintain emotional neutrality. In Hawkins‘ Map of Consciousness, neutrality (level 250) is a powerful state. It allows you to observe situations without getting pulled into emotional entanglements. When you’re neutral, lower energies have nothing to latch onto.

Non-Reaction: One way people try to attach is by triggering reactions from you. By staying calm, composed, and non-reactive, you deny them the emotional energy they’re seeking. If they don’t get an emotional charge from you, their attachment to you weakens.

3. Raise Your Own Vibration:

Elevate Your Consciousness: As you continue to raise your own consciousness (through love, compassion, and higher states of awareness), you naturally become less attractive to lower-vibration energies. People who are trying to attach to you energetically may simply not resonate with you anymore and will find it harder to affect you.

Gratitude and Love: Hawkins emphasizes that states like gratitude (540) and love (500) are incredibly powerful. When you are in these higher states, negative attachments can’t thrive because they can’t coexist with higher vibrations. Practicing gratitude and keeping your focus on love not only raises your vibration but creates a kind of „energetic repellant.“

4. Establish Clear Physical and Psychological Boundaries:

Communicate Clearly: If someone is trying to attach to you negatively, be clear and assertive about your boundaries. This could mean limiting time spent with them, declining certain conversations, or being direct about what you’re comfortable with. People who attach negatively often test boundaries to see how much they can get from others.

Limit or Cut Off Interaction: If necessary, reduce the time spent with the person or end the relationship if it’s too toxic. Creating physical distance can significantly reduce the energetic attachment.

5. Release Any Guilt or Obligation:

Let Go of Guilt: Sometimes people with lower vibrations attach because they sense that you’re kind or empathetic and may feel obliged to help them. However, helping doesn’t mean allowing yourself to be drained. It’s important to let go of any guilt or sense of obligation that you must support them at the cost of your well-being.

Detach from Responsibility: You are not responsible for anyone else’s healing journey. Remember, everyone is responsible for their own consciousness. Detaching from the idea that you need to “fix” them can help you stay in your own energy without getting pulled into theirs.

6. Cut Energetic Cords:

Cord-Cutting Practices: Energetic attachments often take the form of cords between you and the person attaching to you. You can do a cord-cutting meditation where you visualize these cords being severed, releasing any unwanted energy. This can be done with the help of Archangel Michael, who is often invoked in spiritual practices to help cut negative cords with his sword of light.

Call on Higher Guidance: Ask for protection from spiritual guides, angels, or any higher power you resonate with. Setting the intention that you are protected and that all cords of attachment be severed can help in removing any lingering negative attachments.

7. Practice Grounding:

Stay Grounded in Your Own Energy: Grounding exercises, such as spending time in nature, walking barefoot on the earth, or meditating while visualizing roots extending from your feet into the ground, can help you stay anchored in your own energy. The more grounded you are, the less susceptible you become to outside energetic influences.

8. Practice Mindful Detachment:

Let Go with Compassion: If you find that someone is trying to attach to you and it’s not serving your well-being, practice compassionate detachment. You can wish them well, acknowledge their humanity, but firmly hold that their energy is not yours to carry. Mindfully detaching from them with love and compassion can prevent feelings of guilt or conflict while still protecting your energy.

9. Energetic Protection Tools:

Crystals and Stones: You can wear or carry protective stones like black tourmaline, obsidian, or hematite, which are believed to deflect negative energy. Amethyst is also useful for maintaining spiritual clarity and protection.

Sacred Symbols and Talismans: Wearing sacred symbols like the Eye of Horus, hamsa, or protective sigils can help reinforce the intention of spiritual protection.

10. Work with Forgiveness and Letting Go:

Forgiveness: Forgiveness is a powerful tool in severing negative attachments. When you forgive someone (without excusing their behavior), you release the emotional and energetic bonds that might still be connecting you. In Hawkins‘ work, forgiveness raises your vibration and helps to dissolve any lingering attachments tied to resentment or anger.

Let Go of Any Residual Attachments: Sometimes, we unconsciously hold on to negative attachments because of unresolved feelings. Fully letting go of the emotional charge can free you from the connection. You might do this through journaling, therapy, or spiritual practices focused on releasing past hurts.

In Summary:

Protecting yourself from negative attachments involves strengthening your energetic boundaries, raising your own consciousness, and establishing clear emotional and psychological boundaries. Practices like cord-cutting, visualization, grounding, and neutrality can help prevent others from latching onto your energy.

The key is to maintain your focus on self-awareness, self-care, and energetic integrity. When your vibration remains high and your boundaries strong, it becomes much harder for others to attach to you in a negative way.

If you incorporate these tools into your daily routine, you’ll likely find that negative attachments have less influence on your energy and well-being.

Those are old and new methods.

Form me recently really worked adding grounding in self (dantian) and grounding in a centre of earth, electricity and minerals in a very specific way.

About it another time.

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