c o n s c i o u s n e s s
In my experience, consciousness is energetic information. There isn’t much research on this topic for a good reason. The most can NOT see it. And as it goes, if one can’t aknowledge it with five senses, it doesn’t exist.
How about 6th sense?
One doesn’t learn much practical information by listening talks or reading books about consciousness. Where even spiritual texts aren’t abundant in this area.
To me, spirituality is all about practicality.
So lets do our own research.
Meditation is a part of my research because it enhances our senses. If one believes in 6thsense or not everybody has an experience of the present moment. If it is while falling asleep or moments of danger when everything stops, we became fully aware or conscious (not the same; aware is observing from outside & conscious is being right in it). Consciousness enhances 6thsense because it’s present only in NOW, wherein now there is everything. Including information.
Therefore I don’t meditate to escape.
I meditate to get more clear, sense my inside world and how I’m affected by the outside world.
How I’m influenced by space, people, collective energies, moods and states.
I meditate to meet myself. To be present. For myself. For us all.
Physics prove that everything is energy and reality isn’t real. “Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one.” Albert Einstein
I see this as a piece of practical information, why? Simplified: ”Because it explains perception.” Change your belief system, you change your world in a second. Consciousness upgrade. More limiting believes we release higher consciousness we embody.
Why? Because consciousness is where the potential is.
Higher consciousness has faster answers, situations and people one receives.
With higher consciousness creation (living) stops to be a hustle, it becomes a question of tuning in and staying in a certain state for a while.
Consciousness then links everything and pulls solutions in, just on the front of our feet.
Sounds too easy?